Securing Logic App with Azure Active Directory authentication


In previous post - Securing Function App with Azure Active Directory authentication we saw how function app can be secured with Azure active directory and how to make call to it. And it was done by creating an AD App which acted as Audience and and was responsible for validating the access token. 

And as Azure Function App supports AD authentication, the Audience app can be assigned/linked to it.
Securing Azure Function App with Azure Active Directory

So the first thought would be that same can be done with Logic App, why this post? - Ideally it should be but it is not because not all Azure services support Azure AD authentication and Logic App is one of them. Microsoft has a plan for adding/integrating support for all All Azure services, but it will take some time.  

So how do we use Azure Active Directory to secure Logic App? It can be done with the help of Azure APIM, where we ask it to do the task of validating the token and rest all remains same.

i.e. whoever has to access the logic app needs to get a access token from Azure AD Tenant(Authority) in which Logic app resides and present it along with the request which will be validated by Azure APIM (using AD application's info which is created for logic App) and only after validation is done request is forwarded to Logic app. 

Thus Logic App gives away the task of security check to Azure APIM  (no code required in logic App). 

Steps to secure Logic App using Azure AD

1. Register an Application with Active directory (AudienceAppForADSecuredLogicApp - Audience)

  • Sign in to your Azure Account through the Azure portal.
  • Select Azure Active Directory.
  • Select App registrations.
  • Select New registration.
  • Name the application. Select a supported account type, which determines who can use the application. 

Below is what you should see, make note of Application(Client) ID -- this will be used as Audience by caller app when access is requested.

AD app to secure logic app

2. Create Logic App 

Create a simple http triggered logic app 

AD Secured Logic App
which will get triggered upon receiving http request and sends back whatever it receives as response by prefixing it with "Following is what you sent:-" . 

AD Secured Logic App

3. Create APIM Instance and Import Logic App

Read - Getting Started with Azure API Management - Fundamentals

Create APIM Instance

Now import Logic App by going to API -->Add API --> Logic App

import logic app in APIM

Below is how it should look, an API  is created ADSecuredLogicApp having an operation manual-invoke and backend set to the imported logic app url
API Created in APIM

Note: When you add logic app as an API,you already are adding a security layer, where your logic app url gets hidden and a new url is created which is shared .

The base is ready, now we need to add the Policy in Inbound Processing Section which will validate the token

Add Policy

Select Validate JWT

Select Validate JWT Policy

Configure Validate JWT Policy in Full mode 

Configure Validate JWT Policy

Validate by - As we are going to check header , set this to header.
Header name - name of header to be validated, set this to Authorization 
Failed validation HTTP code - what HTTP error code you want to return when validation fails, set this to 401
Failed validation error message - what error messages you want to return when validation fails
Required signed tokens? - All Azure tokens are already digitally signed so it has no effect but,set it to Yes.
Require scheme - Which authorization scheme you want, set it to Bearer 
Audiences - Against whom the token is to be validated, enter the Application ID of the AD app created in step 1
Open ID URLs - This is Authority which APIM will call internally to validate the received token, either of the below can be used<tenant_name><tenant_id>/.well-known/openid-configuration

As logic app does not understands Authorization header , we need to remove it before forwarding request to Logic App and that can be done by using Set headers policy

Read -  The request has both SAS authentication scheme and 'Bearer' authorization scheme. Only one scheme should be used

Set Header Policy

Configure Set Header Policy
Configure Set Header Policy

Policies should look like 
policy on inbound processing

And in code view

policy on inbound processing  code view

That's it, the Logic App is now secured with Azure Active Directory by using Azure APIM. So if someone has to access the logic App it has to present Access token and make a call to the Url set in APIM


For testing it , have used another Logic App which will make call with access token to new URL.We need now the URL of API created in APIM (whose backend is Logic App), we can get it from Test tab as below.

new api url

Below is http based Logic app which makes call to API url and collects the response  and sends back
caller logic app

Have covered detailed steps in following post for details - Calling Active Directory Secured Function App from Logic Apps

Using postman, did sent a request  to above callerlogicapp and received a response
testing result

How it works

As logic app is imported in APIM, an API gets created with a new URL. When a caller/client sends a request along with the access token to this url, APIM applies the policies we have set on Inbound Processing section. 

Using validate JWT token policy it cross verifies the presented token with Active directory internally (via the open ID URL) and Audience claim (against the configured audience id). 

If all ok, next policies are executed (like Set header which removes Authorization header etc) and finally request forwarded to backend (logic app). Response is collected from it and sent back to the caller/client.

If token validation fails then caller/client will be sent error message - Request is unauthorized either Access token is missing or invalid

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