Getting Started with Logic Apps - XML to EDI X12

Continuing from last post where I explained the basics of EDI and EDI X12 standards, let’s  see how we can enable EDI communication with Logic Apps

Logic Apps and EDI together

Earlier it was BizTalk from Microsoft which has all capabilities around Enterprise Application Integration(EAI) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)(which is server product) but with the cloud shift where everything is desired as service, Microsoft provided Logic Apps to cater the integration needs for cloud users and it is continuously getting matured (most of BizTalk capabilities already added).

Read more about Logic App Fundamentals

To enable the logic apps to be leveraged in Business to Business EDI communication Microsoft introduced Enterprise Integration Pack,  which adds B2B capabilities like AS2 and X12, EDI standards support , XML capabilities like XML Validation, XSLT Transformation, Flat file to XML encode/decode etc.(Available as actions in Logic app e.g., AS2 Decode, Encode to X12 etc)

And an Integration Account which can be used to store all the artifacts required to run the Enterprise Integration like schema, maps(xslt), partners, agreements, certificates etc.

Note : If you have worked on BizTalk, then you know that it had capability of storing artifacts as it had dedicated database for that  whereas Logic App is way to orchestrate a business process in which you connect various applications/services/components and for that you create API connections, and only those connection information is stored in Logic App and not any artifacts. Thus the need of Integration Account.

To make Logic App for B2B communications use of Enterprise Integration Pack is to be done and below are the steps to be followed
     1. Create Integration Account
     2. Add the artifacts which you would be needing in Integration account i.e.,     Schemas,maps, Partners etc.
     3. Create a Logic App
     4. Link the Integration Account to Logic App
     5. Use the artifacts

Now, let’s focus on topic of this post of – enabling Logic App for EDI X12 communication


Say there is a company Techfindings and it wants to place an order with it’s partner company. But the partner company accepts Purchase order only in EDI X12 850 format whereas Techfindings system generates XML based order.

Steps in creating solution

    1. Create Integration Account

     On Azure portal, select All services and search for  "integration account" as your filter, and select Integration Account

create Integration account

Give Name , select subscription and resource group. Under Pricing Tier as Free and location where it is to be kept.

     2. Create/obtain the schemas

You would need Visual Studio to create/edit the schemas and maps. Also you will have to add following extension - Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Tools for Visual Studio 2015 2.0

Note: No extension available in later version above 2015, as the extension is borrowed from BizTalk and last release of it is BizTalk 2016(extension is based on the BizTalk components and those components are only available for Visual Studio 2015). As soon as new version of BizTalk is out then the extension for BizTalk associated Visual studio would be available.

sample XML Order Schema

Above is  XML Order Schema and below is the XML representation of EDI X12 850 schema, it can be downloaded from

EDI X12 850 schema

     3. Create map
    As we need to produce EDI X12 850, select Order XML as source and EDI 850 as destination schema
order xml to edi 850 map

  Once mapping is done, test and validate it (make sure all warnings and errors are resolved)

validate map

    and make note of path where xslt is stored,as it is this which is to be uploaded to integration account (.btm file is not supported).

xslt path

  Following is the xslt

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
   <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:var="" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl var s0" version="1.0" xmlns:s0="http://Inbound_EDI.OrderFile" xmlns:ns0="">
  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" method="xml" version="1.0" />
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="/s0:OrderFile" />
  <xsl:template match="/s0:OrderFile">
          <xsl:value-of select="Order/Header/PONumber/text()" />
          <xsl:value-of select="Order/Header/PODate/text()" />
            <xsl:value-of select="Order/Header/CustomerContactName/text()" />
            <xsl:value-of select="Order/Header/CustomerID/text()" />
            <xsl:value-of select="Order/Header/CustomerContactPhone/text()" />
        <xsl:for-each select="Order/LineItems">
              <xsl:value-of select="PONumber/text()" />
              <xsl:value-of select="Quantity/text()" />
              <xsl:value-of select="UOM/text()" />
              <xsl:value-of select="Price/text()" />
              <xsl:value-of select="ItemOrdered/text()" />
              <xsl:value-of select="Description/text()" />

     4. Add schemas and map to Integration Account

Go to the integration account created earlier in step1  and select the Schemas tiles and click on add button.

add schema

Give name and browse to schema path and select the schemas, below is how it should look

Add schemas in integration account

Go to the integration account created earlier in step1  and select the Maps tiles and click on add button. 
   Give name and browse to xslt path(saved in step 3) and below is how it should look

Add map in integration account

     5. Add Partners

Go to the integration account created earlier in step1  and select the Partners tiles and click on add button.

The partner which represents your organization is known as host partner -Techfindings is identity value given which is mutually defined thus qualifier is ZZ and the second partner is known as the guest partner - EDIPartner is identity value given which is mutually defined thus qualifier is ZZ. The guest partner can be another company, or even a department within your own organization.

Add partner in integration account

     6.  Add Agreement

Go to the integration account created earlier in step1  and select the Agreement tiles and click on add button.

Add agreement in integration account

You and your trading partner mutually decide about how the communication has to be done i.e. protocol or transport-specific. In our scenario its X12 protocol based communication.

For transport specific B2B communication read - Getting Started with Logic Apps - AS2

Here as we are going to send EDI document, Send settings of the agreement has to be defined.

Send Settings is organized into these sections:

1. Identifiers -we have not use any Identifier
2. Acknowledgmentwe have not chosen any acknowledgement as we don't need it 
3. Schemas - we have selected 00401 as version, 850 as Transaction type and EDI_850 as schema

Note: In case where some other EDI documents is to be sent to same Partner, then we need to select Schema and Envelope for that as well(in same Agreement).

4.Envelopes - Standard Identifier and default values for GS
5.Character Sets and Separators - UTF 8
6.Control Numbers - Control number is added when edi doc leaves, thus a range is to be defined, here it is starting from 1 till 999999999

EDI x12 agreement send setting

Check following Microsoft article for more details about Send Settings -

     7. Create Logic App and link Integration Account

Create logic app, add http trigger and save it. Go to workflow settings and link the integration account created in step 1

link integration account

     8. Design the logic App

XMl to EDI X12 Order Processing Logic App

The logic app receives xml based Purchase Order over http, then it is transformed in xml representation of EDI X12 850 with help of Transform XML action. 

Provide triggerbody() as  content and select OrderFile_to_EDIX12_850 as Map (xslt )
Transform xml to EDI 850 XML

transformed EDI 850 XML is passed on to Encode to X12 message action.

Here we can use either of the option
i. Encode to X12 message action by identities
ii.Encode to X12 message action by Agreement 

In any option first we need to create connection to Integration account - it is via this connection, Agreement is referred by this action from Integration Account

create IA connection

Option 1 - Here the identifiers are provided based on it Agreement is selected and  EDI XML is encoded to EDI text file alongwith the applied envelopes(ISA-IEA and GS-GE).
encode to x12

Option 2 - Here you directly give the name of Agreement which is to be referred for encoding EDI XML to EDI text file

and in last step the EDI file is sent as an attachment via email . And content for that is Payload of above step (Encode to X12 message)

send email setting

Although I have used email, the partners can choose http based service to receive file,FTP, SFTP and FTPS etc.


Below is xml order test input posted using ARC

test input

and email is received with EDI 850 file as an attachment



In this post we covered the fundamentals of B2B EDI communication and walkthrough the steps on  how to make it cloud based using Logic Apps and Enterprise Integration pack.

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